
Friday 6 September 2013

Shoop's Delicatessen

Our lunch in Santa Monica was an unplanned one. My parents didn't feel like having Sunday brunch at a fancier restaurant by the pier, we just missed the farmer's market on main street, and the popular Urth Cafe was 1) too expensive and 2) had a long line up. As everyone began to get a bit moody, we stumbled into Shoop's on Main Street to just get some food into our systems before anyone started arguing.

Shoop's Deli in Santa Monica
Half deli and half cafe, Shoop's serves burgers, sandwiches, and wraps with German influences. There are vegan and vegetarian options, as well as flavour inspirations from around the world. Select breakfast fare such as eggs and pancakes are also available all day. 
Seating is limited and we had to wait a few minutes for a table that could accommodate my family of four, even at 2pm.
The Clevelander ($10.50)

My brother ordered The Clevelander hot sandwich, which resembles a burger more to me. It had corned beef, swiss cheese, sauerkraut, and an array of dressings. He gobbled this tall sandwich up in a jiffy, and still complained he wasn't full yet. Unless you're a growing teenage boy that had been starved since 8am that morning, this big sandwich should be filling enough. A small side of fruit came with all our orders, an appreciated side dish for a health conscious Crumpet. 

The Ranger ($9.95)

Sorry for the out of focus photo, growling stomach was calling. My parents shared The Ranger hot sandwich. How were they not still hungry afterwards? It was very similar to The Clevelander except with roast beef, grilled onion, and coleslaw. 

Aaron's breakfast wrap ($9.25)
I was craving a wrap and had a bit of difficulty choosing one. The Aaron's breakfast wrap was the perfect pick. It was a unique and unsual combination of barbeque chicken, egg whites, and yam wrapped in a large spinach tortilla. The chicken can be substituted with tofu for vegetarians and vegans. I really loved how the entire wrap was placed on the grill and charred; it heated the wrap thoroughly and was served extremely hot, so much so that my hands couldn't hold it for long. This wrap was of a very generous portion and the flavours were clean and worked well together. I was so full after scarfing down my wrap that even eating the fruit was a bit of a pain. I really liked this! Simple and satisfying, I want to recreate this at home!

Shoop's would have never made it on my researched restaurant lists but I am very glad we discovered this little establishment. The staff where patient and friendly and our orders arrived very quickly. The cafe was full the whole time we were there, even in the afternoon! People were eating salads, pancakes, German breakfasts, while reading the newspaper or chatting with a friend. A very local place with reasonable prices for the portion size. Their breakfast menu was very appealing to me, but for once it wasn't the pancakes! The array of wraps and savoury items sounded exciting and new. If there is ever a time you're strolling down Main Street in Santa Monica and pass by Shoop's, hopefully you'll remember this post and give Shoop's a bit of consideration.

Reviews on Yelp

Shoop's Delicatessen on Urbanspoon

Love from Coconut Crumpet's Corner ♡

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